Friday, December 5, 2014

Tree time!

We got a tree, and it makes the house smell so good, but we haven't done much as far as decorating it goes yet. Here it is, gorgeous thing! It's called a Royal Fir.
Last night I finally got some lights up and a wreath hung on the front door, but that's all. Now I'm working for three days slingin' drinks at parties, so hopefully I'll be able to finish decorating soon. A busy time, and fun!


Babs said...

I gave up the big tree when I moved to Mexico and there weren't any Christmas trees. So I have a tiny tabletop that I bought at Walgreen's 14 years ago.......grandkids know no different as very few people in Mexico have trees, other then expats! Life is good.

Dana Hill said...

Believe me, that's the choice I'd make if trees weren't so readily available (got it at Home Depot $36). Or I'd decorate a cactus or a branch of something that was more common to the area I was in. Go with the flow! After all, it's the spirit, not the detail, that matters. Happy holidays, Babs!

minnietiger said...

Love the tree - we think of you when we hang up our little San Francisco Cable car on our tree. Have a wonderful Christmas xxx

Dana Hill said...

Thank you! Happy Christmas to you too!