Monday, June 20, 2011

Musical Hide and Seek at Chapel of the Chimes?

I can't imagine why I'd go to Chapel of the Chimes, which is a mausoleum, unless I had no choice. Like, I am dead and gone, or possibly it's Halloween.

Well, believe it or not tomorrow, June 21, there is some very cool music happening at Chapel of the Chimes to celebrate the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year - and I am going there. Check out the info . I hear it's a walking concert, with gobs of artists hidden among the urns and turns in the mausoleum, where the ashes of the dearly departed are interred in a beautiful setting designed by Berkeley's first and most famous female architect, Julia Morgan. I'm a BIG fan of Julia Morgan.

OK, so I'm going to hear cool music with (cool) dead people in a cool building. Maybe see you there...end of Piedmont Ave. in Oakland, right next to Mountain View Cemetery (which is also a cool place to walk). Am I getting weird?

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