Saturday, February 22, 2014

Life is too short (to hang on to dishes you don't love)

It's White Elephant Sale time again! This is the mega-garage/warehouse sale put on by the Oakland Museum. Honestly, it's so big it's overwhelming unless you have something specific you're looking for.

This year Wayne was looking for vinyl records to add to our ever-growing collection. And what was I looking for? I didn't know. Then, on the first day, my friend Mary mentioned the beautiful sets of dishes they had. She didn't need dishes she said, but it reminded me that I had a whole set of blue and white sailboat dishes I had inherited from a long-ago relationship that I had never liked much. I mean, they were OK and there were a lot of them - a double set - so I used them whenever I had a big party and needed lots of plates or bowls. But they didn't give me pleasure. They weren't really my style.

So I went over to the dishes section at the White Elephant and looked. If I found something I liked, I figured I'd buy them and bring my old set in to donate the next day. Luck was with me - here's what I found . . .

9 of these gorgeous orange plates at $2 a plate, plus one salad plate to match for $1. Total: $19

And 12 of these raised-pattern white plates at $1 a plate (what a bargain!) plus 4 wide soup dishes to match at $2 apiece and a gravy boat for $4. Total: $24

These are both dish patterns I love and I bought all of them plus 4 brilliantly colored blue, green, and red salad plates at $2 apiece.

The next day I packed up all the sailboat dishes, including the platters and bowls and the baking dishes and the creamer and sugar bowl and the gravy boat, and donated them to the White Elephant. Someone would love them and buy them. Suddenly there was SO MUCH ROOM in my dish cupboard, which is the hutch I'm still stripping in the dining room.

Here are my new plates (plus a few Pottery Barn Colors plates I already had and love) on the shelf.  Yay!

I'm really enjoying my new plates and use them all the time. They give me great pleasure, as they should.

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