Thursday, December 19, 2013

Feet up!

Are your dogs tired? Here's a terrific thing I've just learned at yoga for those of us who are on our feet too much (whew, bartending for 6 or more hours at a stretch gets more challenging every year).

The solution: Put your feet up in the air when you get home.

Best way is to lay on your back and snuggle your butt up to a wall, then lean your feet up the wall. 

Next best way is to just lay on your back and put your feet straight up in the air without the wall (see photo).

The benefits:
  • All that blood that's been pooling in your feet flows back into your legs and body
  • The bones and muscles of your poor little feet get a break from all the pressure of having your body weight concentrated on their small surface
  • This helps avoid varicose veins by reversing the blood pressure in your legs
  • It's totally easy to do
  • It feels great!


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