I was in Target day before yesterday, shopping for a few housekeeping necessities, when I spotted a medium-large door wreath of fall leaves. I thought it was pretty and went over to take a look. Well, I almost fainted - it was $90! And of course it was really only fake fall leaves on a circular wreath form made of twigs. $90. I don't think so.
Then I had a brainstorm, kind of born out of my stubbornness and dislike of being over-charged for something I know isn't worth that much. Michael's, the art and craft store, was just down the street. Bet I could make a wreath, maybe even a better wreath, for a lot less than $90. As soon as I was done at Target, I headed for Michael's.
Minutes later I walked out with a twig wreath, a spray of beautiful fake fall leaves, and a whole roll of really pretty wire-edged ribbon that had been on sale.
Home I went, fired up the glue gun, and 15 minutes later hung a beautiful wreath on the front door. It cost $11 and a few minutes of my time. My new wreath even has a bow, which the $90 model didn't have, plus I have extra ribbon for a later use.
Isn't life grand?!